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Home » Old (1950 – 2018) Album » NF – Therapy Session [Album]

NF – Therapy Session [Album] | Zip Download

Artist: NF

Runtime: 14 songs • 58 minutes

Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap

Released: 2016

Therapy Session” is the second studio album by American rapper NF. It was released on April 22, 2016, by Capitol Christian Music Group.

On his second LP, the gospel-inspired rapper talks about coping with fame. After his debut album, Mansion, reached the top 10 of Billboardʼs US rap chart in 2015, Michigan rapper NF (born Nate Feuerstein) felt intense pressure to keep his stride.

He opens Therapy Session with an earnest question: “Iʼm back, did anyone miss me? They said the second record could be tricky.” Feuerstein is known for his raw honesty and powerful pacing, and uses this album to weigh the dark sides of celebrity (including gruesome death threats) against his gratitude. “I get emotional, I didnʼt plan this,” he confesses on “Intro 2”. “Iʼm doing things I never imagined.”

However, this new body of work houses 14 solid tracks.

NF – Therapy Session Tracklist below; 

  1. Intro 2
  2. Therapy Session
  3. I Just Wanna Know
  4. How Could You Leave Us
  5. Breathe
  6. Real
  7. Oh Lord
  8. I Can Feel It
  9. Got You On My Mind
  10. Grindin’ (feat. Marty)
  11. Wish You Wouldn’t
  12. Statement
  13. All I Do
  14. Lost In The Moment (feat. Andreas Moss)

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